Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Quick Note About Replies

In my "Important Course Updates" email sent on 8-26-16, I indicated that "the post entitled, Monitoring and Controlling My Thoughts About the Readings serves as the exemplar of what blog posts should look like, in terms of length and negotiation of the readings."

I wanted to be sure we understand the distinction between a post and a reply to a post. You are responsible for posting twice during the semester (which serve as your significant contributions, in terms of length/content). All other weeks, you are replying to other peoples' posts. Replies can be a solid paragraph or multiple paragraphs, or even a multimodal reply...I don't want people to be freaking out, thinking they need a small manifesto (although the ones posted thus far have been intriguing, enlightening, and full of depth, so thank you).

1 comment:

  1. In my experience, it's often more difficult to write a single, robust sentence than a 500-word reflection on a theme - especially when it comes to discussing (meta-)metacognition.

    Also: is there a better way to link videos, gifs, etc? I could not figure out how to embed them in my reply.


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